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Leatherman Tool

While not quite as exciting as a silenced sniper rifle or infra-red scope, often one of the most vital bits of kit a UKSF soldier can have on him is a simple tool.

The Leatherman series of tools are highly versatile swiss army knife-type devices with many different attachments built into the units - everything from wrenches, screwdrivers, blades, saws, strippers, files and pliers. Leatherman tools are made from stainless steel and are renowned for their durability.

UKSF are known to carry Leatherman tools with them for a wide range of tasks. When an SBS Land Rover patrol got drawn into the Taliban Uprising at Qala-i-Janghi in 2001, they reportedly used their Leathermans to quickly detach their GPMGs from their vehicle mounts.

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